Demetra Formazione

is the reference training services company of Legacoop Emilia Romagna. It offers services for work and training to companies and individuals, invested in growth, innovation processes and improving skills.

It adopts client-oriented training methodologies that allow companies to develop professionalism, strengthen skills, manage changes and design new products / services. DEMETRA staff accompanies people in ways of improving their job opportunities and professional growth, facilitating entry and placement in the labour market. DEMETRA Formazione has also activated within itself an area of specialized activity aimed at training professionals in the sector of Creative Cultural Industries. Thanks to it, it develops projects and paths for the training of specialized skills in the managerial, technicaltechnological and artistic fields to support the competitiveness of the sector.

The Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna 

has four main objectives:

  • organizes and manages the didactic activity useful for the achievement of the degree for students;
  • contributes to the protection and enhancement of artistic, historical and cultural assets;
  • collaborates with public institutions for the promotion and development of art and culture;
  • promotes and disseminates the knowledge and study of the arts and the historical and artistic culture of Ravenna and its territory.

The courses of the Academy of technology of the arts, visual arts and mosaic have the aim of training operators with artistic skills and qualified professionalism capable of developing research in the field of mosaic and visual arts linked both to traditional techniques and to the experimentation of new languages expressive.

Students will learn both the most advanced techniques relating to tradition, and the elaboration and experimentation of contemporary, visual languages and multimedia systems.


The Marseille School of Fine Arts is an institution of higher education under the authority of the Ministry of Culture and supported by the City of Marseille. The School issues diplomas giving the degrees of Bachelor and Master.

Founded by Marseilles artists in 1752, it has been located since 1969 on the Luminy campus in an architectural complex that has been awarded the "Remarkable Contemporary Architecture" label.

It trains artists, designers and creators in the field of plastic and visual arts.

Since March 2020, the Beaux-Arts de Marseille and the Pierre Barbizet Conservatory are two member establishments of theInstitut national supérieur d'enseignement artistique Marseille Méditerranée (INSEAMM).

University of Dubrovnik 

is public university founded in 2003 and located in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It consists of seven departments with 257 employees of which 90 hold a PhD degree. The Department of Art and Restoration was established in 2005. The vision and mission of the University is to become an internationally recognized institution that actively contributes to the local, national and international academic community through education and scholarly work that meets the highest standards of excellence. The Department of Art and Restauration currently operates a Conservation-Restoration Study; Specializations: Wood, Paper, Textile, Metal. The study is based on the Bologna Declaration, it takes place according to the 3 + 2-year model.


"This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."